Discussing the impact of MOOCs on college English teaching

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  Abstract:MOOCs as a new trend in the development of higher education all over the world will definitely bring significant and profound influence on our country's English teaching in higher education.This paper aims to analyze the the opportunities and challenges MOOCs have brought to China's college English teaching.
  Key Words:MOOCs;college English teaching;impact
  I.Introduction of MOCCs
  According to the definition of Wikipedia,MOOC is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.The term MOOC was coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier of the University of Prince Edward Island.According to The New York Times,2012 became "the year of the MOOC" as several well-financed providers,associated with top universities,emerged,including Coursera,Udacity,and edX.And in 2013,Some famous universities,such as Peking University,Tsinghua University,Fudan University and other universiies at home,have begun launching and putting forward the platform of MOOCs to offer Chinese people shared courses.These huge data and new teaching idea and pattern is bound to bring us many opportunities and challenges.
  2.The opportunities brought by MOOCs
  2.1 Enriching teaching content
  MOOCs not only provide good course contents in various forms for the students,but also can display them by pressing fast forward,backward and repeated play,etc.The micro video is generally within 15 minutes,which designs some questions for learners to think and answer,and students must get the right answers to go on the next phase of the study.Compared with the rigid classroom teaching for forty-five minutes,MOOCs teaching is more visual and auditory enjoyment.
  2.2 Improving teaching quality
  Contrary to traditional English teaching,which mainly input the knowledge to students through teaching in the 4o minutes of the class,MOOCs take the student as the center,with learning objectives focused on a certain knowledge and refined to teach.Faced with the choice of multiple knowledge content,learning motivation of the students will be more diversified.With interest oriented,in all English learning environment,learning through the classical learning resources,students can effectively improve their learning efficiency,and their enthusiasm will be greatly inspired.
  2.3 Ameliorating teaching evaluation
  Due to the large number of classes and the obvious difference of the students’ English level,it is actually difficult to carry out a formative assessment in the specific operation.Whereas,teaching evaluation method of MOOCs is not focused on students' English level,but inspiring students to think independently and critically.Students can get a final result through peer reviewing,modifying,and reevaluating,which can not only reduce the teachers’ workload of the assignment evaluation,but also is conducive to the cultivation of their independent critical thinking in this process.   3.The challenges brought by MOOCs
  3.1 Impact on the traditional position of College English teachers
  The class organization form of college English is generally the class teaching system,with teachers dominating the teaching content.But the age of MOOCs makes this model undergone a tremendous change.Learners through online classes can obtain,anytime and anywhere,more rich and comprehensive knowledge with low cost and high efficiency,which seriously affect the authority of traditional university teachers.So,college English teachers shall have not only professional English skills but also extensive interdisciplinary knowledge,improve the ability to integrate and identify teaching resources on the network so as to find the valid information of excellent course in MOOCs to learn and guide students,enhance the competence of designing and teaching high-quality curriculum,and make full use of modern educational technology to organize the class.
  3.2 the crisis brought by MOOCS
  In the era of MOOCs,a few high-quality educational resources monopolize the market,so most of the general universities especially those vocational colleges are facing a crisis.Professor Huang Zhen from Shanghai Jiao Tong University pointed out that,in front of the global quality education resources and strong cultural impact,China’s universities and colleges must accelerate education reform and improve teaching quality,otherwise there is a risk of becoming teaching labs and counseling teachers of the world first-class universities and colleges.
  MOOCs completely differ from previous on-line education and distance education,thus leading a real educational revolution,which initiates many huge changes in learning,teaching,training,university and its organization,and even the whole higher education and society.Although MOOCs may well not overthrow the traditional university,it is undoubtedly an opportunity to change the phenomenon of teachers-oriented class and passive learning mode of students.To cope with the impact of MOOCs,universities especially those vocational colleges should adjust the reform of education system,promote faculty professional development.
  [1]Wikipedia.Massive Open Online Course.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_open_online_course
  [3]王春秀,许敬.机遇与挑战:MOOC 时代的大学英语教学研究,2016(7)
  [4]吴剑平,赵可.大学的革命.MOOC 时代的高等教[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2014
摘要:本文以高职多媒体设计与制作专业为例,探讨了数字视音频编辑与制作课程中设计的三个项目,通过这三个项目的学习实践,不仅让学生掌握了Premiere和After Effects两个软件的操作技术,更让学生体验到了行业制作流程以及主动学习的乐趣。  关键词:视音频;剪辑;特效Premiere;After Effects  数字视音频编辑与制作课程是目前大部分高校数字媒体设计类专业开设的必修课程,也是
摘要:本文以安徽国际商务职业学院计算机应用技术专业为例,着重分析了目前专业教学改革与人才培养中存在的问题,提出了从应用型人才培养的角度出发的一系列有针对性的改革措施,为不断提高计算机专业人才培养质量,以及专业的整体教学水平奠定了基础。  关键词:企业需求;计算机;教学改革  1 研究背景  计算机专业是高职院校的传统专业,但是随着信息产业的迅猛发展,计算机新技术不断推陈出新,院校所教授的知识显得相
摘要:学习类应用“知新”APP主要面对的用户群体是有很强学习需求,但时间又不充足的人群开发的。本文主要介绍了应用软件App“知新”的设计实现的环境和所需要的技术支持,能帮助后期很好的进行开发。  关键词:“新知”设计;环境;技术  时代在进步,人们的学习方式也随之进步,学习的效率也越来越高,但与之一起增长的还有人们的学习量。所以尽管学习效率不断提高,但人们的学习压力反而越来越大。纵观APP商店的这
摘要:高校烹饪应用示范性专业建设发展的实践教学体系,培养掌握现代烹饪工艺技能、膳食营养、餐饮服务管理的基础知识、基本技能,具有综合能力、创新能力、实践能力和烹饪教育科研基础,掌握食品生产技能与管理,具备在各类企事业单位从事烹饪培训教育的综合型烹饪工艺与营养专业的高等技术应用型专门人才。具体有效措施为将烹饪示范性专业建设发展划为该示范性高等院校建设发展的核心。  关键词:烹饪专业建设;技能示范性;工
摘要:团体操是将体育与艺术结合起来的,掺杂了不同形式的运动艺术的一个表现项目,其主要表现形式是集体表演。健美操和艺术体操在当今世界受到了人们的青睐,是好评率极高的运动,而将健美操及艺术体操融合在高校的团体操中,使团体操更具现代感,对学生的吸引力也更大。文章深入的探讨了健美操及艺术体操融合在团体操中的具体形式。  关键词:健美操;艺术体操;高校;团体操;运用  健美操及艺术体操的发展历史悠久,且是当
摘要:软件工程是指导计算机软件开发和维护的工程学科。为了培养高层次、实用型、复合型、具有国际竞争力的软件人才,我国于2001年底启动软件工程学科的教学。就目前反映高校传统的人才培养模式与软件产业对人才规格的要求之间存在较大领养偏差问题必须得到解决。因此,改革人才培养模式,优化课程体系结构,培养适应企业需求的实用型软件人才是当前高等院校的重要任务之一。  关键词:软件;课程;研究  一、现状与背景分
摘要:翻转课堂作为一种备受全球教育界关注的新的教学模式,被称为是影响课堂教学的重大技术变革。这种新的教学法对教师的专业知识和能力提出了新的挑战。《现代教育技术》公共课作为师范生必修公共课之一,承担着培养师范生信息化教学能力、掌握新的教学法的重任。为了适应和推广这一新的教学法,本文以 TPACK 框架为指导,通过对翻转课堂在教育教学中的应用探索和教师应具备的信息技术能力等进行分析,对面向师范生的《现
摘要:《高等数学》是应用型本科大学教育中不可或缺的一门基础性必修课程,它可以很好的培养学生的逻辑思维能力和创新思维能力,对学生的成长有着重要的意义。但对于高等数学课程来说,不管是课程设计还是课程的改革还存在着一些不足,达不到应用型本科大学人才培养的要求,因此,本文对应用型本科大学高等数学课程从传统授课和微型课程设置作一些讨论  关键词:应用型本科大学;高等数学;课程  高等數学是应用型本科大学的必