目的分析尘肺病的CT表现和特征,探讨CT诊断价值。方法 85例不同期别的确诊尘肺患者均行胸部CT扫描,与尘肺诊断片对照分析其CT表现。结果 CT能清楚显示尘肺的肺部改变,如阴影的形态、大小、分布以及并发改变,尤其对尘肺Ⅲ期大阴影具有鉴别诊断价值。结论 CT是诊断尘肺有效方法,可作为平片的补充,是鉴别诊断重要手段。
Objective To analyze the CT features and characteristics of pneumoconiosis and explore the value of CT in diagnosis. Methods Totally 85 cases of pneumoconiosis diagnosed at different stages underwent chest CT scan and compared with the pneumoconiosis diagnostic specimen to analyze the CT findings. Results CT can clearly show the lungs of pneumoconiosis changes, such as shadow shape, size, distribution and concurrent changes, especially for the differential diagnosis of pneumoconiosis Ⅲ large shadow. Conclusion CT is an effective method for the diagnosis of pneumoconiosis, which can be used as a supplement to plain film and is an important means of differential diagnosis.