
来源 :读与写(教育教学刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsttkl
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近年来,高职英语教学越来越重视听说能力的培养,同时,高职学生的口语水平参差不齐,能力相差悬殊,这都是较之其他学历层次学生更为明显的现状。因此,怎样改变高职学生“哑巴”英语,成了亟待解决的问题。分层教学作为兴起于西方的教学模式,经过多年的发展与变革,在我国已经被广泛应用。“怎样利用分层教学解决高职英语口语教学中的问题,分层教学会遇到哪些难题,怎样应对这些难题”引起了一线教师和学者的广泛讨论。 In recent years, English teaching in higher vocational colleges has paid more and more attention to the training of listening and speaking skills. At the same time, there are many differences in oral English and abilities among vocational students. All these are more obvious than those in other academic levels. Therefore, how to change the “dumb” English of higher vocational students has become an urgent problem to be solved. As a teaching model emerging from the West, layered teaching has been widely used in our country after years of development and reform. “How to use the hierarchical teaching to solve the problems in vocational college English oral teaching, what problems can be encountered in the hierarchical teaching and how to deal with these problems ” caused a wide range of discussions between front-line teachers and scholars.
In the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century,consumption ideology appeared as the new and advanced ideology well-suited for the new developmen
This paper adopts stylistic analysis of Kazuo Ishiguro’s famous novel Never Let Me Go,with the aim to analyze the characterization of the heroin-Kathy.The anal
从词汇、语法、听说读写几个方面探讨了外语学习策略,同时简要阐述了学习策略的训练方法,旨在为大学生英语自主学习能力培养提供有益借鉴。 From the aspects of vocabulary
Language is an essential and important part of a certain culture,while the impact of culture upon a given language is also something indispensable.The influence
本文介绍了博客在大学英语写作教学中的应用及其理论基础和应用设计过程,旨在通过这一方法在高校英语教学中的应用,促进英语教育信息化的发展和学生自主学习的能力。 This p
本文根据作者的教学实践,分析了造成听力理障碍的非语言因素,包括兴趣、背景知识和训练方法等,并提出了相应的策略。 Based on the author’s teaching practice, this arti