10月1日内蒙古哲里木盟奈曼旗八仙筒蒙古族职高举行“我爱中华”演讲比赛。 10月2日为纪念邓小平“三个面向”题词十周年,中国教育学会在京举行学术讨论会。 10月3日杰出的教育家、北京六中第一任校长蔡元培先生半身铜像在六中揭幕。 10月4日李鹏主持召开国务院第10次常务会议,审议并原则通过《教师法(草案)》。 10月5日 “百名记者京城服务质量抽查”行动在北京王府井大街拉开序幕。
October 1 Inner Mongolia Zhelem Union Naiman Qi Mongolian column capitulate “I love China” speech contest. October 2 To commemorate the tenth anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s “Three-oriented” inscription, the Chinese Society of Education held a symposium in Beijing. October 3 outstanding educator, the first president of Beijing Liu Cai Yuanpei half-length bronze statue was unveiled in the sixth. On October 4, Li Peng presided over the 10th executive meeting of the State Council and examined and approved in principle the “Teacher’s Law (Draft)”. October 5 “100 journalists capital service quality checks ” action kicked off in Beijing Wangfujing Street.