
来源 :上海蔬菜 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cboy
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1991年~1995年5月下旬~6月上旬,我们对上海近郊11个乡、镇的春番茄主要产区,进行病毒病调查,在露地和保护地分别采集病样,用酶联法(ELISA)测定番茄烟草花叶病毒(TMV)和黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV),以及马铃薯X病毒(PVX)的侵染程度.结果如下:一、田间调查根据病害调查结果,露地番茄病毒病的危害症状,主要是条斑型和蕨叶型,田间感病较重,轻者达30%~50%,重者可达100%,果实失去食用价值.保护地番茄病毒病感病较少,而且以花叶型为主,其次是蕨叶型,个别地区有少量条斑型,发病率仅10%~20%,被调查的栽培品种,均含有Tm-2~(nv)的一代杂种.二、捡测结果检测结果(表1)表明,危害露地番茄病毒病的毒源主要是TMV、CMV复合侵染(40.6%)和CMV侵染(37.7%),而TMV侵染仅9.9%.由于露地番茄病毒病严重,保护地番茄种植面积迅速扩大,为此,我们又检测保护地番茄病毒病的主要毒源种类.1991年以TMV侵染为主(46.1%),其次是TMV、CMV复合侵染(38.3%),CMV侵染仅为7.8%,而1995年,以TMV、CMV复合侵染(46.3%)居首位,其次是CMV侵染(39.0%),而TMV侵染(4.9%)下降(见表 2).上海市近郊番茄病毒病主要毒源除TMV、CMV以 From late 1991 to early May 1995 to early June, we investigated the virus diseases in the major tomato producing areas of 11 townships and townships in the suburbs of Shanghai. The disease samples were collected in open field and protected area respectively. (TMV), Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) and Potato X-Virus (PVX) were determined.The results are as follows: I. Field investigation Based on the results of the disease survey, the hazard symptoms of open tomato virus disease , Mainly the stripe type and the fern leaf type, the field is more susceptible, the light is up to 30% ~ 50%, the weight is up to 100%, and the fruit loses its food value. The second is the fern leaf type, there are a few stripe patterns in some areas, the incidence is only 10% ~ 20%, the cultivars under investigation all contain the first generation of Tm-2 ~ (nv) The test results (Table 1) showed that the main source of virus that exposed to open tomato virus was TMV, CMV (40.6%) and CMV (37.7%), while TMV infected only 9.9% Tomato virus disease is serious, the protected area tomato planting area expanded rapidly, therefore, we also test the protection of tomato virus disease of the main source of poison .1991 TMV invasion (46.1%) followed by TMV and CMV (38.3%) and only CMV infection (7.8%). In 1995, CMV was the most frequently infected with TMV and CMV (46.3%), followed by CMV (39.0%), while TMV infection (4.9%) decreased (Table 2) .The main source of tomato virus disease in suburban Shanghai in addition to TMV, CMV
Objective::To develop a downloadable three-dimensional (3D) study tool of the membranous labyrinth in order to facilitate the study of benign paroxysmal positio