开学初的一天,在滨中读初一的儿子垂头丧气地回来了,那一幅绝望无援、悲痛欲绝的样子真令我这个做老师的母亲很难过。原来是他在竞选班长活动中未能如愿。于是我给他讲了这样一则故事: 一位沙漠的旅人,偶然看见了美丽无比的海市蜃楼,他夸父追日般地执意寻找那片美景,几天跋涉后,他终于晕倒了。醒来时竟发现自己躺在一片沙漠中的绿洲里,这里有青青的小草,有追逐嬉戏的小鸟。他咀嚼着青草。馥郁的汁液浸润了他枯竭的生命。这时他明白了,以前的执着是对生命的虚耗,眼前的一切才是最美丽最真实的。于是在这片绿洲里,他收获了平静与充实。“妈妈,我懂了。你是说,一个完美的人生,不但需要积极进取,而且还要学会放弃,聪明的放弃是一种智
One day at the beginning of the new year, the son of the first day of my school in Haibin returned in a dejected manner. The desperate and distressing look really made my mother, a teacher, feel sad. It turned out he was unable to do so in campaign monitor. So I told him a story: a desert traveler, accidentally saw the beauty of the mirage, he Kuafu pursuit of the pursuit of that piece of beauty, after a few days of trekking, he finally fainted. When I woke up I found myself lying in a desert oasis, there are green grass, chasing playful birds. He chewed the grass. Rich juice infiltrated his exhausted life. Then he understood that the previous dedication was the loss of life, all in front of the most beautiful and most real. So in this oasis, he harvested peace and fulfillment. "Mom, I understand.You mean, a perfect life, not only need to be proactive, but also learn to give up, a wise to give up is a kind of wisdom