参展建筑师Alejandro Aravena,Arquitecto(智利,圣地亚哥)Aranda Lasch(美国,纽约)大舍建筑(中国,上海)Fake Industries Architectural Agonism(美国纽约及西班牙巴塞罗那)Hashim Sarkis Studios(黎巴嫩贝鲁特及美国剑桥)J.Mayer H(德国,柏林)Johnston MarkLee(美国,洛杉矶)MAD Architecture(中国,北京)MaSSStudies(韩国,首尔)开放建筑(中国,北京)SO-IL(美国,纽约)Spbr(巴西,圣保罗)现代建筑双年展始于1980年,当时是在威尼斯,保罗·波多盖希(PaoloPortoghesi)第一次组织了这样的活动。在原本的设想中,第一届威尼斯国际建筑双年展将与具有悠久传统的威尼斯艺术双年展交替举行,它的开幕地点也选择了军械库(Arsenale)——自中世纪就存在的兵工厂和船厂。这届双年展以“到场的过往”为主题,即刻使循环事件生效,用以理解当下的潮流和建筑领域内的成就。
Exhibitors Architects Alejandro Aravena, Arquitecto (Santiago, Chile) Aranda Lasch (New York, USA) Fake Industries Architectural Agonism (New York, USA and Barcelona, Spain) Hashim Sarkis Studios (Beirut, Lebanon and Cambridge, United States) Mayer H, Berlin, Germany Johnston MarkLee, Los Angeles MAD Architecture, Beijing, China MaSSStudies, Seoul, Korea Open Architecture, Beijing, China SO-IL, New York, USA Spbr, Sao Paulo, The Biennale started in 1980 when it was the first time that such activities were organized in Venice, by Paolo Portoghesi. Originally conceived, the first Venice International Biennale of Architecture will take place alternately with the venerable Venice Art Biennale, opening its doors to the Arsenale - the arsenal that existed since the Middle Ages shipyard. With the theme of “the past of the presence”, this Biennale will immediately bring the cycle into effect to understand the current trend and achievements in the field of architecture.