30年前设计了 Internet 基本结构的互联网之父Vinton Cerf 尽管身兼数职,但仍对未来的 Internet 世界充满憧憬。在他的视野中,语音通信、IPv6、宽带接入、移动定位等技术将会各领风骚。语音通信重现青春对发展迅速的互联网络和驱动其发展的经济动力而言,基本的真理仍然适用:万物变化轮回反复。Cerf 就表达了这样的看法:未来的 Internet 不太可能成为光怪陆离的“点击”世界,说起来到很有可能是
Vinton Cerf, the father of the Internet who designed the basic structure of the Internet 30 years ago, is still full of longing for the future of the Internet world, despite being a multi-functional employee. In his field of vision, technologies such as voice communications, IPv6, broadband access and mobile positioning will all play a leading role. Voice Communication Reproduces Youth The basic truth still applies to the rapidly-developing Internet and the economic impetus that drives its development: the changing things once and for all. Cerf expressed the view that the future of the Internet is unlikely to be the bizarre “click” of the world, when it comes to the most likely