Obstacles to economic development in underdeveloped countries are: (1) lack of capital; (2) “social resistance” - cultural barriers that include economic development such as institutional structure, attitudes, and “sectarianism”; (3) land regimes; (4) “insecurity caused by the government” - including “the fear of devastating taxation, inflation, confiscation and political retaliation, and leading to cofferdams, capital flight and investments in land but not in production”; Public administration deficiencies; and (6) Difficulties in mobilizing and allocating resources. The ways to overcome these obstacles are: (1) to encourage savings, with a focus on establishing depositors’ safeguards and high levels of flexibility; (2) to control investments and to shift capital from speculative and immovable property to industry, agriculture and services , Making the former less attractive to potential investors, the latter being larger; (3) Inflation, which is the simplest and most dangerous way; (4) Taxation, accumulation of taxes through taxation and its Repression is minimized; it is especially important to draw a share of the rural income. In addition, the national marketing agency is also a powerful capital accumulation machine.