编辑同志: 在报刊上、电视上经常报道一些房地开发商短斤少两。最近我们想购买一套商品房,不知公摊 在面积上如何摊派?请你们在这方面介绍一下,行吗? 石爱华 石爱华同志: 2002年5月1日实施的建设部《关于房屋建筑面积计算与房屋所有权属登记有关问题的通知》规 定:“楼梯已计算建筑面积的,其下方空间不论是否利用均不再计算建筑面积。
Editorial comrades: In the press, often on the television coverage of some real estate developers less than two pounds. Recently, we want to buy a set of commercial housing, I do not know the pool in the area how to apportion? You introduce in this regard, OK? Shi Aihua Shi Aihua Comrade: May 1, 2002 implementation of the Ministry of Construction “on the construction of housing area and housing Notice of Ownership Ownership Registration Issues ”stipulates:" The stairs have been calculated for the construction area, the space below it is no longer accounted for regardless of the use of construction area.