老年高血压急症一种危急生命的紧急状态,需及时降压处理。多数高血压急症发生在院外,发病后如搬动不当,会加重病情及在送院途中发生意外。故院前救治亦是目前急诊重点。 1 资料与方法 1.1 对象符合高血压急症诊断标准的老年高血压患者28例,年龄在61~78岁之间,平均66.3±4.2岁,均为院外出诊病例,包括脑出血7例,高血压危象10例,急性左心衰3例,高冠心不稳定心绞痛5例,高血压脑病3例,其中男20例,女8例。25例有高血压病史,病史在3~15年。 1.2 方法常规专人于治疗前及用药后每5min测右肱动脉血压及心率1次,30min后改为10~15
Acute emergency of life A critical state of emergency requires timely antihypertensive treatment. Most Hypertension emergencies occur outside the hospital, such as improper handling after the onset of the disease will aggravate the condition and on the way to hospital. Therefore, pre-hospital treatment is also the current emergency focus. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 Object In line with the diagnostic criteria for hypertension in patients with hypertension in 28 cases, aged 61 to 78 years old, with an average of 66.3 ± 4.2 years, were out of hospital cases, including cerebral hemorrhage in 7 cases, hypertension Like 10 cases, 3 cases of acute left heart failure, high coronary heart disease in 5 cases of unstable angina, hypertensive encephalopathy in 3 cases, 20 males and 8 females. 25 cases had a history of hypertension, a history of 3 to 15 years. 1.2 Methods Before and after treatment, routine expert measurement of right brachial artery blood pressure and heart rate every 5min 1, after 30min to 10 ~ 15