寻常袜子 这样创出品牌

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我同学张胖子开了一家袜子织造企业。虽然他能生产许多品种的袜子,但是由于老是跟着别人走,价格就一直偏低,在市场中没有优势。有一天,我到其他同学家去吃饭。刚巧碰到他,他问我有没有办法摆脱被动局面。我问他:你的产品牌子是什么?他说叫“建新”。我对张胖子说,那先从品牌改起吧,给他改了个洋味十足的名字——罗莉娜袜业织造企业。他一听觉得有味道,就答应马上改。半个月后,又把商标给设计出来了,那是一个特别性感的美女卡通形象。我让他马上到工商局商标科注册,但是光有一个名字不行,虽然产品有了自己的个性品牌,在与经销商的谈判时比以前好谈了一些,批发商也多了一些,但没有传播,当然还是不能解决根本问题。 My classmate Zhang fat opened a sock weaving business. Although he can produce many varieties of socks, but always follow the others, the price has been low, there is no advantage in the market. One day, I went to eat dinner with other classmates. Just hit him, he asked me if there is any way to get rid of the passive situation. I asked him: What is your product brand? He said that “build a new.” I said to Zhang fat, then change it from the first brand, give him a change of foreign flavor full name - Lori Hosiery weaving business. As soon as he heard the taste, he promised to change it immediately. Half a month later, again designed to trademark, it is a special sexy beauty cartoon. I asked him to register immediately with the Trademark Office of the Trade and Industry Bureau, but there was only one name. Although the products had their own brand names, they talked a lot better than before when negotiating with the distributors, and there were more wholesalers but no Spread, of course, still can not solve the fundamental problem.
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