一 世纪之交,世界正以空前的发展速度迈入互联网时代。据国际电联1999年“互联网发展报告”的数据,全球用户发展到5000万的规模,电话用了74年、无线电用了38年、个人电脑用了16年、电视用了13年,而互联网只用了4年。近几年,全球电话主线用户的复合年增长率为6%,而同期互联网主机的复合年增长率为90%,大致每年翻一番。正当人们对半导
At the turn of the century, the world is entering the Internet age at an unprecedented rate of development. According to the ITU Internet Development Report 1999, the number of users worldwide has grown to 50 million. It took 74 years for telephone calls, 38 years for radios, 16 years for personal computers, 13 years for TVs, and the Internet It took only 4 years. In recent years, the CAGR of the major telephone users in the world has grown by 6% over the same period, while the CAGR of Internet hosts over the same period has been 90%, roughly doubling each year. Just as people are semiconductors