近年来镍产品供需和价格发生了很大变化:(1) 国内供需缺口渐趋缩小。原生产电解镍厂家经过基本建设和技术改造,生产能力扩大,产量增长,新的电解镍生产厂家有的已经投产或即将投产。(2) 计划内外电解镍价格并轨,计划内采取定向销售,定量不定价,实际上价格已经放开,完全由市场调节。(3) 电解镍价格国内外已基本接轨,国内价格受国际价格影响很大。对此,金川公司重新制订和调整产品营销策略,塑建以市场为导向、反映灵敏、决策快速的价格形成机制。
In recent years, the supply and demand and price of nickel products have undergone great changes: (1) The gap between supply and demand in China has gradually narrowed. The original production of electrolytic nickel producers went through basic construction and technological transformation, expanded production capacity and increased production. Some of the new electrolytic nickel producers have already started production or are about to start production. (2) The price of electrolytic nickel inside and outside the plan is united. Targeted sales are adopted within the plan, and pricing is not priced. Actually, the price has been liberalized and is entirely regulated by the market. (3) Electrolytic nickel prices have been basically in line with domestic and international prices, and domestic prices have been greatly affected by international prices. In this regard, Jinchuan Corporation re-formulated and adjusted its product marketing strategy. It built a market-oriented, responsive, and rapid decision-making pricing mechanism.