Christopher Newport大学能够开一个网络博物馆了,它的网络设备可以放满整个中心陈列室。该学院是网络飞速发展的一个明证,在过去的三年内它已从FDDI转到了ATM,随即又转到了Gigabit Ethernet backbone。这些升级主要是因为新的应用要求更多的网络冗余和更容易的管理。该大学属于弗吉尼亚州教育系统,在其网上有1,200个用户,该网络支持管理应用系统、校方以及学生的教学应用。用户使用的PC机多种多样,这些机器上运行着Windows 3.x和Windows 95等各种操作系统,并且还有大量的Macintosh机,这些机器都要访问存放在运行Windows NT或Solaris服务器上的信息。所有这些桌面电脑都采用以太网连接。许多连接都
Christopher Newport University is able to open an online museum, its network equipment can fill the entire center showroom. The Academy is a testament to the rapid growth of the network, which has moved from FDDI to ATM over the past three years and immediately to the Gigabit Ethernet backbone. These upgrades are mainly due to new applications requiring more network redundancy and easier management. The University, part of the Virginia State Education System, has 1,200 users online and supports teaching applications for applications, schools, and students. Users use a wide variety of PCs, running a variety of operating systems such as Windows 3.x and Windows 95, as well as a large number of Macintosh computers that have access to files stored on servers running Windows NT or Solaris information. All of these desktop computers use an Ethernet connection. Many connections are