Male, 33 years old, was vomited frequently for more than ten days on September 25, 1980 due to severe headache. “Unconsciousness” was admitted to hospital for three days. Patients drinking more than ten days ago, they feel headache, early fashion can endure, no chills and fever. Three or four days after the headache drama, with nausea and vomiting, was sprayable, several times a day, are stomach contents. Local hospital check cerebrospinal fluid pressure, white blood cells 60 to 76, mononuclear accounting for 80 to 90 Pan’s test (a), to “viral encephalitis” invalid and transferred to our hospital. Patients were suffering from acute pain, consciousness still clear. General medical examination found no positive. Nervous system: cranial nerves: (a) fundus; bilateral papillae showed early edema. Extremities exercise is not limited, normal muscle tone. Sense of depth