银杏(Ginkgo bilobe L.)是我国特有的珍贵树种,俗称白果树,属国家二级重点保护植物。中国是世界银杏的分布中心,其栽培历史达数千年之久,民间有啖食银杏的习惯,中医中有银杏这味药。银杏在植物学上具有重要的科学价值,一直得到全世界学术界的高度重视,特别是二十世纪中叶以来,德、日、英、美、法,瑞典等发达国家生物界、化学界对其广泛关注,进行了广泛、长期、深入的研究并取得了卓有成效的研究成果,揭开了银杏神奇药效的奥秘,
Ginkgo (Linkgo bilobe L.) is a rare tree species unique to China. It is commonly known as the white fruit tree and belongs to the national second-level key protected plant. China is the center of the distribution of Ginkgo biloba in the world. Its cultivation history lasted for thousands of years. People have the habit of eating Ginkgo biloba, and Ginkgo biloba is a traditional Chinese medicine. Ginkgo biloba has important scientific value in botany, and has been highly valued by academic circles all over the world. Especially since the middle of the 20th century, Germany, Japan, Britain, the United States, France, Sweden and other developed countries in the biological and chemical worlds Wide attention has been paid to extensive, long-term, in-depth research and fruitful research results. The mystery of the mysterious medicinal effect of ginkgo has been unveiled.