目的 了解北京市手足口病病例发病时间分布特征,为手足口病防制提供依据.方法 采用集中度与圆形分布分析方法对北京市2007-2015年手足口病发病时间分布的集中趋势进行分析.结果 集中度分析结果为M值0.58,圆形分布分析结果为手足口病发病高峰在6月28日,流行期为4月28日-8月28日.结论 手足口病发病具有较强的季节分布特征,呈春夏季高发、秋冬季低发的特征.“,”Objective To explore the seasonal distribution characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD) in Beijing.Methods Concentration degree and circular distribution methods were used to analyze the seasonal distribution characteristics of HFMD incidence in Beijing from 2007 to 2015.Results The concentration degree analysis showed a M value of 0.58,indicating the seasonal distribution of HFMD.The circular distribution analysis showed that the peak time of HFMD was June 28,and the epidemic season of HFMD was from April 28 to August 28.Conclusions Epidemics of HFMD were clear seasonal distribution,which showed high degree of concentration in spring and summer and low in autumn and winter.