棚室内温湿度适宜,多数肥水较好,若再氮肥施用过多,马铃薯枝蔓会徒长甚至疯长,致结薯少或不结薯,严重影响产量和经济效益。科学调控徒长的棚室马铃薯,可提高产量20%~70%。1.科学施肥要重视施用猪牛粪等有机肥,合理控制氮肥特别是速效氮肥的用量和施用次数,这是控制徒长的最基础和最有效的方法。翻耕整地前,中等偏上肥力的地每亩(1亩=667平方米,下同)撒施腐熟猪牛粪2 600~3 000
Greenhouse indoor temperature and humidity suitable, most of the better fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer if too much, too long or even soaked potatoes grow crazy, resulting in less tuber or no tuber, seriously affecting the yield and economic benefits. Scientific regulation of the long studio potatoes, can increase the yield of 20% to 70%. 1. Scientific fertilization should pay attention to the application of organic manure such as pig manure, the rational control of nitrogen fertilizer, especially the amount of nitrogen and the number of applications, this is the most basic and most effective way to control leggy. Tillage before land preparation, moderate upper fertility per acre (1 mu = 667 square meters, the same below) the implementation of decomposed pig dung 2 600 ~ 3 000