
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QIAOKAIIORI
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彩香邨地处姑苏西郊,三面环山,内有二条河流参越,山水相映,环境优美,居住舒适,交通方便.全区共占地20公顷,建有民用住宅93幢,并配有商店、菜场、幼儿园等公共设施及留有一定的绿化空间,为新邨面貌增添色彩.为了共同建设好彩香邨,1982年底,我队接受了市、局下达绿化彩香邨的任务.二年来,经过努力奋斗,按预定方案,已圆满完成绿化面积9.44公顷,占总面积47.2%,人均绿地7.26平方米.全工程共种植树木品种61个,乔灌木13,930株,绿篱7,600株,草花225墩,书带草2,954墩,铺草坪4,700平方米,筑花台小路2,070平方米,建水泥花架24米,按水泥凳80只,按铁栏干300米,堆湖石假山15吨.全工程实用人工7,693个,比预算节约11,468.1工,经费开支17万,比预算节约8万.由于工程保质保量按期完成,树木成活率达97.37%.因此,为彩香邨总体工程荣获国家银质奖创造了条件.一、彩香幼儿园、小学校、文化站等绿地规划设计 Choi Heung Tsuen is located in the western suburbs of Suzhou, surrounded by mountains, there are two rivers participating, Landscape matched, beautiful environment, comfortable living and convenient transportation. The total area of ​​20 hectares, built 93 residential buildings, Shops, vegetable farms, kindergartens and other public facilities and leave a certain amount of green space for the new village to add color .In order to jointly build a good fragrance village, by the end of 1982, my team accepted the city, the Board issued the task of afforestation .In two years, After hard work, according to the plan, the green area of ​​9.44 hectares has been successfully completed, accounting for 47.2% of the total area and 7.26 square meters of per capita green land. The total planting of 61 trees, 13,930 trees and shrubs, 7,600 hedges, Book cover grass 2,954 piers, shop lawn 4,700 square meters, building flower road 2,070 square meters, built cement flower stand 24 meters, according to cement stool 80, according to the iron barn 300 meters, 15 tons of rock lake rockery. Saving a total of 11,468.1 workers from the budgeted expenditure of 170,000, which is 80,000 less than the budgeted amount. The survival rate of trees reached 97.37% due to the completion of the project’s quality and quantity, thus creating the conditions for winning the National Silver Award for Choi Hom Village overall project. First, Choi Kindergarten, primary schools, the text Green space planning station design
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