他们的海外战斗一直颇为纠结。新千年以来,中国政府将“走出去”作为一项基本政策,鼓励中国企业对外直接投资,中国企业国际化步伐加快。中国对外直接投资在加入WTO之后显著增加, 2003年至2007年五年间年投资额增长将近9倍,达到248亿美元,2008年在此基础上又增长了1倍,达到创纪录的521亿美元。
Their overseas battle has been quite tangled. Since the beginning of the new millennium, the Chinese government has taken “going out” as a basic policy to encourage Chinese enterprises to make direct overseas investments and speed up the internationalization of Chinese enterprises. China’s foreign direct investment increased significantly after its accession to the WTO. Its annual investment in the five years from 2003 to 2007 increased almost ninefold to reach 24.8 billion U.S. dollars. In 2008, its foreign investment has doubled to a record 52.1 billion U.S. dollars .