[名诗回放]望海楼晚景苏轼横风吹雨入楼料,壮观应须好句夸. 雨过潮平江海碧,电光时掣紫金蛇。 [难点注释]1.望海楼:在杭州凤凰山上。2.掣:闪、引之意。[同步翻译]猛烈的大风夹杂着急雨,斜飞入楼,美丽的景色,需要用佳句来抒发情怀。云收雨过,湖水浩渺,与岸相平,海水深碧,残云未散,不时有金蛇般的闪电在天空绽开。[精彩点击]这首诗是苏轼游西湖时,写登望海楼观雨的情景。诗中写
[Poetry Playback] Wang Hai Lou Suenan night scenery wind and rain into the expected, spectacular should be a good sentence to boast. Rain over the sea Jiang Bi, electro-optic switch purple Zisi. [Difficulties note] 1. Wanghai House: Phoenix Hill in Hangzhou. 2. Switch: flash, cited meaning. [Simultaneous translation] violent winds mixed with rainy, inclined into the floor, beautiful scenery, need to use Sentence to express feelings. Cloud received the rain, the vast lake, with the shore phase, the sea deep blue, residual cloud is not scattered, from time to time there are golden snake lightning in the sky bloom. [Wonderful click] This poem is Su Shi swim West Lake, written on the sea floor lookout scene. Write in the poem