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据我所知,许多学生是比较腻烦上作文课的,原因主要是发愁无东西可写。不少老师也曾试图帮学生解决这个难题,但又不知问题的症结在哪里,收效并不大。这使我想起中学时代的两次作文课来。第一次是在初中一年级,语文老师出的作文题是《记一次劳动》,内容要求记上周到附近公园栽树的劳动。这一来,同学们都傻了眼,皆呼之曰:“难!”有一个同学向老师道出自己的真实想法:“那有什么可写的呀,无非是拿着把铁锹栽了几棵树就回来了。”一次劳动,竞被他一语道尽,似乎再没有别的素材可以写进文章里了,只凭这一两句话,的确难以完成本次作文,难 As far as I know, many students are bored with writing lessons mainly because they are worried about nothing. Many teachers have also tried to help students solve this problem, but I do not know where the crux of the problem is. This reminds me of two essay lessons in high school. The first is in the first grade of junior high school, the language teacher’s essay question is “remember a work,” requires the content to remember last week park planting trees in the work. As a result, the students are stupid, are calling for: “hard! ” There is a classmate to tell his true beliefs: “what can write it, nothing more than holding a shovel Planted a few trees will be back. ”A work, competing by his words, it seems that no other material can be written into the article, and just these two sentences, it is indeed difficult to complete the composition, difficult
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由于地球自转,漂浮在软流圈之上的板块将受到主矩和主矢的作用,主矩使板块产生倾斜,而主矢将使板块作漂移运动。 Due to the rotation of the Earth, the plate floating above
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