稻粒黑粉病是杂交水稻制种中的一种比较普遍病害 ,从我县近几年制种田调查 ,一般发病轻的在5%左右 ,发病严重的达 30 %以上。不仅影响着制种的产量和质量 ,尤其是影响到种子的播种品质。探讨如何防治稻粒黑粉病十分重要。1 发病原因(1 )不合理的耕作制度 :多年连续制种的田块
Rice powdery mildew is a more common disease in hybrid rice seed production. In recent years, the farming system in our county has been surveyed. The incidence is generally about 5%, and the incidence is more than 30%. Not only affect the yield and quality of seed production, especially affecting the sowing quality of the seeds. It is very important to discuss how to control rice powdery mildew. 1 causes (1) irrational farming system: for many years continuous cropping plots