核桃树在冬季正处于伤流期,不宜进行修剪。否则,极易从修剪伤口引起伤流,造成水分和养分的流失,导致树势衰弱,甚至枝条死亡,从而影响次年的生长结果。 核桃树在一年中表现出的伤流规律是:芽开始萌动——盛花期、秋季采果后——落叶期这两个时期内基本没有伤流。在果实发育期有
Walnut trees in the winter are in injury stage, should not be pruned. Otherwise, it is very easy to cause wounds from the wounds, resulting in the loss of water and nutrients, resulting in the weakening of trees and even the death of branches, which will affect the growth of the next year. The pattern of injury of the walnut tree during the year was: Buds began to sprout - there was almost no bleeding during both the full flowering period and the autumn post-harvesting-deciduous period. In fruit development period