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2002年10月24日,美国媒体均刊登了一条简短的消息,美国中央情报局(CIA)前局长理查德·M·赫尔姆斯去世,享年89岁。此时的美国恰逢举国上下正聚焦连环冷血枪手的落网,因而这条消息似乎并没有引起舆论的多大重视。但在美国情报界,特别是中情局内部还是引起了震惊,毕竟赫尔姆斯是CIA的开山鼻祖奠基人之一。他曾在CIA效力27年,从其最初创立到各个与美国利益休戚相关的重大历史事件都有他参与的痕迹,池还是CIA中屈指可数的从最底层一步步干到CIA局长一职的职业间谍大师,并执掌CIA大印达6年之久!最令CIA情报界新老同行敬佩的是,赫尔姆斯具备了职业情报间谍大师的优秀素质,无论风云如何变化,个人安危怎样,始终效忠国家保守秘密。因此,他被人们誉为“严守国家机密”的人。当他平静地离开了这个世界时,他头脑中装着的机密也永远随他的去世而消失了。 On October 24, 2002, the U.S. media published a brief message that Richard M. Holmes, the former director of the CIA, died at the age of 89. At this time, the United States happens to coincide with the fact that the whole country is focusing on serializing the blood-tankers. Therefore, this news does not seem to have caused much public opinion attention. But in the United States intelligence community, especially inside the CIA is still a cause for shock, after all, Helms is one of the founder of the CIA originator. He has worked in the CIA for 27 years. From his initial founding to major historical events of mutual interest to the United States, he has traces of his participation. He is also one of the few CIA directors who step down from the bottom to the post of CIA director Professional spy master, and in charge of CIA Daininda 6 years! Most of the CIA intelligence community to admire the new and old peers, Helms possessed professional intelligence spy master of excellent quality, no matter how the situation changes, how personal safety, Always loyal to the state conservative secrets. Therefore, he was hailed as “strict state secrets” people. When he left peacefully in this world, the secrets of his mind disappeared forever with his death.
有分析认为WiMAX将是3G的终结者。但实际情况真的会是这样吗? 首先,WiMAX与Wi-Fi、3G的确具有很多重叠的甚至是超越的功能,具有和Wi-Fi、3G竞争的关系,但它们更多的是一个互