不久前的一个下午,当再度获取新泽西州的拳击比赛执照后,钢铁般的迈克尔惬意地离开了州竞赛控制委员会,纵身跳进他那辆红色的 Bentley 跑车飞驶向威尔斯酒店。上车前,再回首这座赋予他拳击第二春的城市,泰森颇有深意地点了点头。几分钟后的威尔斯酒店内,在为数不多的记者面前,兴高采烈的泰森手捧菜单侃侃而谈:“能够重获执照,我太激动了,我都不知道该吃点什么好了……”7月30日,泰森(54胜4负;43次击倒
Shortly after an afternoon of re-gaining a New Jersey boxing license, the steel-clad Michael managed to leave the state race control board and jumped into his red Bentley coupe and flew to the Wells Hotel. Before getting on the train, looking back at the city that had given him the second spring of boxing, Tyson nodded with a deep meaning. A few minutes later in the Welles hotel, in front of a handful of reporters, the euphoric Tyson hand-held menu talk about: “to be able to regain the license, I was so excited, I do not know what to eat good The ... ... ”July 30, Tyson (54 wins and 4 losses; 43 down