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  Reed Exhibitions’ STANDout launches COVID safeguard range
  Reed Exhibitions has developed a comprehensive range of COVID-19 safeguards and precautionary measures to help organisers and venues ensure the safety of their customers as trade exhibitions and events reopen for business. The COVID safeguard range has been developed by STANDout, a subsidiary of Reed Exhibitions in Austria, where it leads the market in the design, manufacture and installation of exhibitions stands and related products and materials. The range is being made available to all Reed Exhibitions event teams who are deploying COVID-19 safeguards in line with the company’s recently published framework on ‘Reed Exhibitions Events in the New Normal’, a robust programme of measures to support the health and safety of all attendees and employees. The COVID Safeguard range is also available to third party organisers.
  9月22日,国际展览业协会(UFI) 公布德国科隆展览为2020年UFI运营和服务奖的获得者。该奖项旨在奖励在展览行业中通过提升客户参会体验的最佳案例。科隆展览获此殊荣的大规模电子信息显示屏项目,不仅有强大的视觉表现力,还能与智能通信系统相结合。其灵活的信息系统将路向指示、资讯发布和广告宣传功能融为一体。此项目也是建立在长期战略伙伴关系上共同研发的成果。评审團表示,这个实例为会展行业展示了新的标准,并提升了人们参加贸易展览的体验。
  Koelnmesse wins the UFI Operations and Services Award 2020
  On 22th September, UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has named Koelnmesse as the winner of the UFI Operations and Services Award 2020.
  The UFI Operations and Services Award rewards the best exhibition industry cooperation that enhances customer experience. With its large-scale digital signage project, Koelnmesse focused not only on a strong visual presence but combined it with an intelligent digital communication system. The flexible information system combines Wayfinding, Infotainment and Advertising. The project was a joint development together with long-term strategic partnerships.
  Missing exhibitions have negative impact on exhibiting companies
  Two thirds of those who exhibit at business events report that their cancellation has had a notable detrimental impact on their business, reducing their ability to build brand awareness with their target markets. Half of businesses expressed this impact as being“very large”. This is one of the interim findings of a recent study conducted by live events research specialists, Explori in partnership with UFI, the global association of the exhibition industry and supported by SISO. 50% of companies told researchers that the absence of live events was negatively affecting their ability to generate new business.
The coronavirus lockdown is an extraordinary situation for Germany and the whole world. The need for personal encounters and face-toface communication is growing. This is what makes looking into the f
On 20th July, Africa Food Show (AFS) opened to strengthen food value chains amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, the event’s organizers said. The event virtually took place through the digital platform
在日本教育机构中,主要是用日语教学,只有少数用英语教学,而日本语不是世界通用语言,我国的中、小学没有设日语课程, 学生到日本升学会出现语言的障碍,所以大多数学生到日本留学都是先学习日语再考虑报考各类学校,即先读日本语言学校或大学别科。    教育设施  日语教育设施分为两大类。既私立大学的留学生别科和日本语教育振兴协会认定的一般日本语教育设施。  私立大学的留学生别科是作为大学教育的一环而设置的正
如何学好日语,已成为许多即将赴日留学的学生最关心的问题之一。但是,中日文化的差异、民族风俗的不同、日语发音的独特以及表达方式的多样化,决定了日语的学习也具有一定的难度。为帮助人们尽快掌握学习日语的方法,本刊记者采访了一直从事于日语培训工作的郭宝英老师。     学习任何一种外语,首先要了解这个国家的语言文化背景和
保证人  目前日本政府虽然已免除了外国留学生在签证时所需的「在日保证人」,但是日本民间在租房契约或升学手续上,仍须有日本人作「契约保证人」及「入学保证人」,而保证人通常会被要求提交「印鉴证明书」等。因为涉及隐私,又需具法律文件之作保,所以很少有日本人愿意替外国留学生作保,因此留学生在出国前应先请在日亲友协助,或请校方提供协助。学生必须选择愿意在其留日期间免费提供「学校作保」的学校留学。另外,日本国
随着中国成功加入WTO,缺少具有国际水准的经济管理人才的弱点日渐暴露。为了弥补这方面的弱势,华枫国际管理学院应运而生。  华枫国际管理学院是一所中外合作办学的学校,以本科教育为主。外方是十所加拿大著名的公立大学。上期为您们介绍的是加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学,本期为您介绍加拿大康考迪亚大学,以便广大读者能更好的了解。    简介  康考迪亚大学历史渊远,可以追朔到100多年以前,1974年由乔治威廉大学(
The recent UFI data shows that with a total output of €275 ($325) billion in business sales annually, the global exhibition industry generates €68.7 ($81.1) billion in direct GDP and contributes a tot
在许多人的印象中,日本人在工作中以“机器”著称,想象着如果自己在没有下班时间,没有假期的工作中劳苦一生,在敬佩日本人之余,更多的是想对这种生活敬而远之。其实人们的这种认识是有偏差的。    产生“工作机器”现象的原因  战后日本经济的高速发展,于是日本跻身世界发达国家之列,便形成了“终身雇佣”、"年功序列"、"分企业型组合(工会)"、"集团主义"为特点的日本式企业经营,一时间这种经营模式成为经营学