Optimistic outlook:90% of Ambiente’s exhibition space already filledd

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  The coronavirus lockdown is an extraordinary situation for Germany and the whole world. The need for personal encounters and face-toface communication is growing. This is what makes looking into the future so important: 90 percent of the exhibition space of Ambiente is already filled. From 19 to 23 February 2021, it will showcase all major themes of the entire consumer goods portfolio in its dining, living and giving areas.
  “Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the entire consumer goods industry is facing a difficult year. But we already have an optimistic outlook for the future: at 90 per cent, Ambiente is already well filled at this stage. This once again shows that the world’s largest consumer goods fair will again be a set date of industry’s agenda for 2021. Especially after such a difficult time, trade needs new momentum to boost consumption. Moreover, the need for communication and faceto-face encounters is becoming increasingly apparent. Exhibitors and visitors will find all this at Ambiente,” says Nicolette Naumann, Vice President Ambiente.
  Exhibitors and visitors at Ambiente 2020 benefited from great ordering conditions despite the impacts of the coronavirus on travel behaviour, which had started to take hold by this time. This shows that Ambiente is the hotspot for the industry. Exhibitors and trade visitors can find high-calibre contacts, share views on current challenges after the coronavirus break, talk about market and design developments and discover trends and opportunities in all segments.
  Trends, new products and international business – these are traditionally at the focus of Ambiente in Frankfurt, which took place from 7 to 11 February 2020. The world’s largest consumer goods trade fair had grown to 4,635 exhibitors from 93 countries, covering 310,240 gross sqm Ambiente was the first leading trade fair to be affected by the impact of the coronavirus on travelling. Another clearly noticeable factor was Storm Ciara. Business in the halls, however, did not suffer as much as expected, and, in all, large numbers of orders were placed throughout the trends and new products platform. Nevertheless, exhibitors were disappointed with the strong sense of uncertainty among visitors and therefore the absence of quite a few retail channels. Yet those who did travel to Frankfurt benefited from an outstanding ordering environment.
  In total, around 108,000 buyers came to Ambiente from nearly 160 countries, seeking inspiration and looking to procure products for their new collections. 62 per cent came from countries outside Germany. One major reason for the reduction in visitors’ numbers was the impact of the coronavirus. Many German and international retail companies, and indeed major ones, had banned their workforce from travelling. Also, from Sunday onwards air and rail traffic were at times completely paralysed throughout Germany and Europe.   “If a trade fair is impacted by two such events, it really does face enormous challenges,” says Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt. “But our exhibitors assessed the situation correctly. And the trade visitors came to Frankfurt with a positive mindset and keen to place orders,” the experienced trade fair specialist adds. Satisfaction ratings among visitors continued to be at a robust level of 95 per cent. Due to the unusual situation, noticeable shifts could be observed among the top ten visitor nations. After Germany, they were Italy, France, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, Turkey, the United States, Russia, Japan and China. This year growth could be observed in the numbers of visitors from Estonia, Japan, Jordan, Colombia, Romania and Turkey.
  Thomas Grothkopp, Managing Director of the German Trade Association for Residential Accommodation and Offices (HWB), adds: “Ambiente has demonstrated yet again that there’s a need for the real world of products, brands and people as an environment for concluding mutually beneficial deals. Retailers made extensive use of the opportunities that are provided by Messe Frankfurt at Ambiente.”
中国学生可以凭参加“日本留学考试”的成绩直接进入日本的大学本科和研究生院读书,这样的大学被称作为“日本留学考试利用渡日前入学许可校”。请先向这些大学咨询并得到确认其有“赴日前预先录取之大学”的录取方式后再参加这一考试,而且对学习较好的学生来说,以这种方式留学日本会省去不少时间与金钱。    以往读学位都要先读语言学校或某些私立大学的预科  以往中国学生要想赴日读大学或研究生,日本校方都会要求申请该
2 0 2 1 年非洲礦业展览会将于明年2 月8 - 1 1 日举办。上届展会贵宾云集,亮点纷呈。其中,塞拉利昂总统和刚果民主共和国总理在Mining Indaba发表讲话。塞拉利昂总统朱利叶斯?马阿达?比奥和刚果民主共和国总理西尔维斯特雷?伦加都是参加开幕式的重要人物。朱利叶斯?马阿达?比奥借此机会介绍了塞拉利昂在财政和立法方面的改革,以吸引更多投资到该国。同时,西尔维斯特雷?伦加强调了尊重相关
7月20日,全球首个非洲数字展(AFS)正式启动。本次线上展是由中东国际展览集团(迪拜MIE集团)主办,通过“线上展览+精准配对”创新展会形式,帮助企业抢订单、拓市场。在为期五天的展会中,来自全球16个国家的300多家食品行业展商通过展贸通GTW平台对接采购商。  展会得到了相关政府组织机构的大力支持,卡塔尔国家开发银行是数字展的金牌赞助商,美国肉类出口联合会也组团参展。此外,埃及工贸部部长Dr.
Editor’s note: To Albert Aoun, Chairman of IFP Group & UFI MEA Chapter Chair, it is crucial for exhibitions to be responsive and adaptable to everchanging landscapes, especially in a post-pandemic wor
由日本文部科学省(相当于文化科学部)审核批准,又经中国教育部承认并给予学位证书或高等教育文凭认证的日本大学的全名单可查阅网址:http://www.studyfuture.net/studyinfo/Japan.htm   如若想详细了解具体的一所大学,可将该大学的名字放入网络搜索引擎找寻(笔者推荐http://www.google.com/intl/zh-CN/网站)。但多数的日本大学网站只有
英國展览业历史悠久,作为欧洲会展业一部分,一直走在世界展览业的前列。全球最大的展览主办方英富曼会展集团和励展博览集团等企业的总部均位于英国。此外,英国会展场馆在运营方面也十分规范和注重国际化,每年承办的会展活动和赛事不计其数。因此,研究英国展览业的发展情况,借鉴英国的成功经验,具有重要意义。  英国展览业每年创收超过100亿英镑,在国民经济发展过程中扮演重要角色。英国会展行业的优秀基因有哪些?主办
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优势一:高中毕业生一步到位的升学选择  对于众多高考不如意的学生来讲,其自身优势在赴日留学后往往能得到充分体现。因为,与日本高中生相比中国学生学好日语后,其扎实的数学,英语基础为考取日本国立、公立大学提供了必然的保证,考取日本国立或公立大学后,绝大多数留学生即可享受到学费减免的待遇,这样不但可以免费完成含金量较高的日本正规本科教育,学到比国内更先进的专业知识,成绩优秀者还可获得奖学金。  优势二: