
来源 :江苏幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mj5211314
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幼儿教师的职业准入制度是提高教师专业化程度的关键,教育部印发了《中小学教师资格考试暂行办法》的文件,明确幼儿园教师资格证全国统考的内容及方法,强调幼儿师范毕业生必须经过严格的国家资格考试才能拿到教师资格证书,严把幼儿教师准入关。高职高专学校学前教育的课程设置必须调整,做到课证融合。高师院校要对照“国考”要求在专业课程模块中,加强幼儿教师岗位核心能力课程的比重;加强师德教育并充实通识课程模块中文化素养方面的学科;注重教育实践课程的教育效果,突出教师教育实践取向。 Kindergarten teachers’ professional admittance system is the key to improving the professionalization of teachers. The Ministry of Education has issued the “Interim Measures for the Qualification Test of Primary and Secondary School Teachers”, clarifying the contents and methods of national examination for the qualification of kindergarten teachers and emphasizing the necessity of After a rigorous national qualification examination to get the teacher qualification certificate, strict child care teacher access. The curriculum of pre-school education in higher vocational colleges must be adjusted so as to achieve the integration of evidence. Teachers colleges and universities should control the “national exam” requirements in the professional curriculum module, strengthen the proportion of kindergarten teacher core competency curriculum; strengthen ethics education and enrich the general literacy module in the cultural literacy aspects of the discipline; pay attention to the practice of education curriculum Education effect, highlighting the practice of teacher education orientation.
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