“塔克拉玛干”维吾尔语的意思是“进去出不来”。于是,汉语称它为“死亡之海”。这就把塔克拉玛干大沙漠那暴烈的性格说得再清楚不过了。据说,英国曾有一个近百人的探险队,于清朝末年进入沙漠腹地去探险,最后,除一人走出沙漠外,其余全部葬身沙海之中。 1999年9月,笔者有幸跟随石油将军冯浩和政委王爱珍,由古城西安出发,进入西部最大的沙漠——塔克拉玛干进行采访。 我们从昆仑山下的柴达木大沙漠石油基地出发,途经敦煌、哈密、鄯善、吐鲁番、火焰山、高昌古国、托克逊、焉耆等地,于次日晚8时许,到达南疆库尔勒。休息一夜之后,于第二天上午9
“Taklamakan” Uighur means “going in and coming out”. So, Chinese call it the “sea of death.” This makes it clear that the violent character of the Taklamakan Desert is clear. Allegedly, Britain had a nearly 100 expedition, in the Qing Dynasty into the hinterland of the desert to explore, and finally, except for one person out of the desert, the rest all buried in the sand. In September 1999, I was fortunate enough to follow the general oil general Feng Hao and political commissar Wang Ai-zhen, starting from the ancient city of Xi’an and entering the largest desert in the west, Taklamaghan. Starting from the Qaidam Desert Petroleum Base under the Kunlun Mountains, we passed through Dunhuang, Hami, Shanshan, Turpan, Huoyanshan, Gaochang Old Country, Tuokexun, Yanqi and other places. At 8 pm on the next day, we arrived at Korla . After a rest overnight, the next morning 9