2000老总眼中的市场与销售 创新才是硬道理

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一段漫长曲折的艰难跋涉之后,人类终于又一次抵达千禧之门。驻足门前,我们总是无法抑制自己对门外的无限遐想:跨过这道门槛,世界将会怎样?且听企业老总们的新世纪构想——陈伟荣:创新才是硬道理——未来竞争的高度不确定性使创新成为惟一正确的选择。李东生:创建世界级的中国企业——为民族创造价值。王国端:专业化求发展多品牌拓市场——以稳健的发展将市场吃透吃足。王石:推动中国的产业化进程——推进住宅产业化是引导中国住宅产业健康发展的康庄大道。杨军:新润迅迈向新世纪——以网络文明为时代特征的信息社会衍生出电信业务新的运作模式。林顺和:流年是“水”——发展的前提之一是辨证地理解现在。袁秀平:以新面貌迎接新世纪——历史文化融入新生的知识经济可以酝酿出持续的发展。李如成:建设有雅戈尔特色的营销网络体系——先进的营销网络体系可以促生企业的核心竞争力。陈豪伟:挑战与机遇并存——面临行业重整中的风险和机遇,关键在如何把握。乔远生:21世纪营销大变革——预测只是一种努力的理论分析,最重要的是我们如何把握。朱玉童:21世纪的营销断想——互联网技术的推广应用将改变市场营销的环境和方法。 After a long, tortuous and difficult journey, mankind finally reached the gate again. Stop in front of us, we can not always inhibit their unlimited reverie outside the door: across this threshold, the world will be like? Listen to corporate executives and the new century ideas - Chen Weirong: Innovation is the last word - the future competition High uncertainty makes innovation the only right choice. Li Dongsheng: Creating a World-class Chinese Enterprise - Creating Value for Ethnic Groups. Kingdom side: specialization and development of multi-brand development of the market - with a steady development of the market eat thoroughly. Wang Shi: China's industrialization process to promote - promoting the industrialization of housing is to guide the healthy development of China's residential industry, the broad road. Yang Jun: Run by the New Run Toward a New Century - A New Mode of Operation of Telecom Business Derived from the Information Society with Network Civilization as Its Characteristics. Lin Shunhe: fleeting is “water ” - one of the prerequisites for development is to understand dialectically now. Yuan Xiu-ping: Welcome the New Century with a New Face - The historical and cultural integration into the new-born knowledge-based economy can generate continuous development. Li Rucheng: Younger characteristics of the construction of marketing network system - advanced marketing network system can promote the core competitiveness of enterprises. Chen Haowei: Challenges and Opportunities Coexist - The Key to Confronting the Risks and Opportunities in Industry Restructuring. Qiao Yuansheng: Great Change in Marketing in the 21st Century - Prediction is only a theoretical analysis of hard work. The most important thing is how we grasp it. Zhu Yu Tong: Marketing Thinking in the 21st Century - Promotion and Application of Internet Technology Will Change the Marketing Environment and Methods.
学校的中心工作是教学,教学质量的高低取决于教学的管理,笔者认为抓好教学工作要从四字“管、教、学、练”入手,切实做好这四个方面。 The central work of the school is t