我国计划生育工作取得了巨大成绩,然而,我国依然面临着沉重的人口压力。 从1986年开始,我国进入了解放以来的第三次人口生育高峰期。过续两年,人口增长率呈回升趋势。这是令人深深忧虑的。 第三次生育高峰,对于计划生育工作来说既是挑战又是机会。只有采取坚实可行、长期稳定、得到绝大多数人拥护的政策,才能避免新的“人口爆炸”,安全渡过高峰,并为今后几十年的人口控制打下良好基础。在这个问题上,听听有识之士的意见是十分必要的。为此,本刊特辟出较多版面,刊登几位专家的笔谈。
China’s family planning work has made great achievements. However, China still faces heavy population pressure. Since 1986, our country has entered the third peak of population growth since liberation. After two years, the population growth rate is on the rise. This is deeply worrisome. The third peak of birth is both a challenge and an opportunity for family planning work. Only adopting a policy that is viable, long-term stable and embraced by the overwhelming majority can avoid the new “population explosion” and safely pass the peak and lay a good foundation for population control in the coming decades. In this issue, it is very necessary to listen to the opinions of people of insight. To this end, we published more special layout, publish a few experts in writing.