
来源 :语文月刊(学术综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yao_huaxin
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这是一堂获奖课的课堂实录。这是一堂获得第四届“四方杯”全国语文教师选拔大赛高中组一等奖的课。这是一堂展示言意统一的语文教学观的普通课。深圳是中国最具创造力最具国际大都市品质的年轻城市。在这座美丽又充满活力的城市中,活跃着一群富有创造精神的语文教师,胡滨老师就是其中的一位。胡老师带领着一个团队在深圳这片热土上探索、实践着言意统一的语文教学观,向着语文教学流派的目标前进!劳晓雪老师是幸运的。她的幸运在于虽仅有三年教龄,但有幸融入探索实践言意统一的语文教学观的群体中,与智者同行,不仅有机会参加全国性的选拔大赛,而且第一次登上“四方杯”全国语文教师选拔大赛的竞赛场就取得无数语文教师一辈子都可望不可及的成绩——一等奖!这不仅仅是劳晓雪老师的荣耀,更是全国语文界对言意统一的语文教学观的肯定!劳晓雪老师的这节课具体实践及展示了言意统一的语文教学观。胡滨老师认为:“‘言意统一的语文教学观’的‘言’指文章的语言形式,包括遣语造句、篇章结构、修辞手法、表现方式等等;‘意’指文章的内容,包括主旨、作者情感、观点等等。所以,语文教学必须言意统一,既因为教材是‘言意融合’的经典,也因为学生需要语言的滋养,还因为它能明确语文教学根本任务。”(胡滨:《言意统一的语文教学观》,《语文月刊(学术综合版)》2009年第1期,第11页。)胡滨老师很有胆识,第一次向全国中学语文名师展示言意统一的语文教学观,就敢于启用仅有三年教龄的青年教师,这种胆识来自信念及自信。劳老师的课虽临场发挥略有微瑕,但完全无损于言意统一的语文教学观的研究探索!为胡滨老师喝彩!一堂言意统一的语文教学观的展示课能让一位普通的青年老师在全国大赛中脱颖而出,足以证明它非常实用好用有用,掌握运用好它,就能获得非常良好的课堂教学效果。为言意统一的语文教学观鼓掌!愿胡滨老师带着团队一路走好,努力耕耘,为新粤派语文建设添砖加瓦,在南国结出硕果! This is a class record of a winning class. This is a class won the first prize of the fourth “Sifang Cup ” national language teacher selection contest high school group. This is an ordinary lesson showing the unity of language and teaching. Shenzhen is a young city with the most creative and most cosmopolitan quality in China. Mr. Hu Bin is one of the most energetic Chinese teachers active in this beautiful and vibrant city. Hu led a team to explore this piece of land in Shenzhen, practicing a unified Chinese language teaching concept, toward the genre of language teaching school goal! Lo Xiao-xue teacher is lucky. Her fortunate is that although only three years of teaching experience, but fortunate enough to explore the practice of language teaching concept of unity of meaning groups, and wise men, not only have the opportunity to participate in the national selection contest, and for the first time boarded the “National language teacher competition contest won numerous countless Chinese teachers a lifetime elusive achievement - first prize! This is not only the glory of teacher Laoxiao snow, but also the unity of the language of the national language The affirmation of Chinese teaching concept! This lesson of teacher Laoxiao Xue has practiced and demonstrated a unified Chinese teaching concept. According to Hu Bin’s teacher, ”the words and expressions of the language teaching concept of the same meaning and meaning“ refer to the language forms of the articles, including the semantic construction, the structure of the texts, the rhetorical devices, the ways of expression, etc. The meaning means the content of the texts, Including the theme, the author’s feelings, opinions, etc. Therefore, the language teaching must be meaningless unity, both because the textbook is a classic fusion of meaning and meaning, but also because students need to nourish the language, but also because it can clarify the basic task of language teaching. ”(Hu Bin:“ The unity of meaning and meaning of language teaching ”,“ Chinese Monthly (Academic Comprehensive Edition) ”2009 the first period, page 11.) Hu Bin is very courageous, for the first time to the national secondary school Chinese teacher Demonstrate the unity of the Chinese language teaching view, we dare to enable only three years of young teachers, such courage comes from faith and confidence. Lao teacher’s lesson although the spot to play a slight slight imperfections, but completely without prejudice to the unity of language and meaning of the Chinese teaching and research exploration! Hu Bin teacher applause! A unified meaning of language teaching view of the show class can make an ordinary Young teachers in the national competition come to the fore, sufficient to prove that it is very useful useful useful, good use of it, you can get very good classroom teaching. For the same meaning of Chinese language applause applause! May Bin Hu teachers take the team all the best, hard work for the new Yuepai language building blocks, to bear fruit in the South!
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