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内蒙古文化产业要得到长足的发展,实施文化产业“走出去”战略势在必行。文化产业“走出去”战略是指我国文化产品、文化服务、文化资本、文化技术等走出国门,参与全球文化市场竞争,参与国际文化产业经营的发展战略。我们要加快内蒙古的文化产业“走出去”的步伐,为处于初级阶段的内蒙古文化产业拓宽市场,创造发展环境,逐步在激烈的国际竞争中发展壮大经济实力。通过向国际市场提供适销对路的文化产品和服务,大力弘扬中华民族优秀文化,在实现内蒙古文化产业的社会效益的同时,实现经济效益最大化,推动内蒙古文化产业在国际竞争中得到跨越式发展。 Inner Mongolia cultural industry to get a long-term development, the implementation of cultural industries “going out ” strategy is imperative. Cultural industry “going out ” strategy refers to our country’s cultural products, cultural services, cultural capital, culture and technology go abroad, participate in the global competition in the cultural market, participate in the development of international cultural industry management strategy. We must step up the pace of cultural industry “going out ” in Inner Mongolia to broaden the market and create a development environment for Inner Mongolia’s cultural industry in the initial stage and gradually develop and strengthen its economic strength in the fierce international competition. By providing marketable cultural products and services to the international market, we will vigorously carry forward the fine Chinese culture and realize the social benefits of the cultural industry in Inner Mongolia at the same time maximize the economic benefits and promote the leapfrog development of the cultural industry in Inner Mongolia in international competition .
病例1 我第一次见到Ginger是在1983年,发现她的肝脏转氨酶升高,我想可能与肝损伤有关.但是过了几年,转氨酶持续升高,对此我感到迷惑,1992年第一代丙肝抗体检测问世,问题就很
目的 对国内3个厂家生产的苯妥英钠片剂进行体外溶出度比较,为临床用药提供参考.方法 根据2005年版苯妥英钠片剂溶出度检查方法,用转篮法进行体外溶出度试验,以紫外分光光度
Objective: To investigate the expression of C-Kit and PDGFRα and their correlation with chemotherapy resis-tance in ovarian serous carcinoma. Methods: We under
本文认为,解决返乡农民工的就业与创业问题是金融危机背景下的现实需求,解决返乡农民工的就业与创业问题要以人为本,加强对返乡农民工的就业和创业培训。 This paper argues
党报应该在党委领导、市场导向和受众需求三个维度的框架下,决定改革和发展的走向与目标,其核心在于践行群众路线。 The party newspaper should decide the direction and