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改革开放以来 ,中国人在短短的二十多年时间里经历了从引进西方先进的产品和技术 ,到借鉴西方的各种法律、政治、经济制度 ,再到参照西方的价值体系和思想观念对中国文化进行全面分析 ,提出复兴中华民族文化的宏伟口号 ,显示出前所未有的自觉性和主动性。这一时期 ,西方文化对中国文化的影响是前所未有的 ,全方位的 ,多层次的。从另一方面看 ,改革开放以来这二十年也是中国文化对西方产生最大影响的二十年 ,西方人比以往任何历史时期都更加深刻地理解了中国社会与中国文化 ,对中国文化精神及其价值的肯定也超过以往。这一现实告诉我们 :每一种具有牢固的精神根基和历史传统的文化体系都不会从根本上被其他文化所取代 ;但是随着时代的变化 ,任何一种有着悠久历史传统的文化体系也不可能不发生变化。中国学术界普遍承认中国社会正处在一个深刻的转型时期 ,它的文化也必将发生深刻的型变。为了进一步深入思考全球化趋势下的中西文化交流问题 ,本期主题研讨栏目推出这组短文 ,以期引起学界对这一热点问题的进一步关注。 Since the reform and opening up, the Chinese have experienced from introducing Western advanced products and technologies in just 20 years to drawing lessons from various legal, political and economic systems in the West and referencing the values ​​and ideas of the West To conduct a comprehensive analysis of Chinese culture and put forward the magnificent slogan of rejuvenating the Chinese nation’s culture shows an unprecedented sense of initiative and initiative. During this period, the influence of Western culture on Chinese culture was unprecedented, comprehensive and multi-level. On the other hand, since the reform and opening up, these two decades have also been the two decades in which Chinese culture has the greatest impact on the West. Westerners have understood Chinese society and culture more deeply than ever before in any historical period, The value of its affirmation than in the past. This reality tells us that every cultural system that has a solid spiritual foundation and historical tradition will not be fundamentally replaced by other cultures. However, with the changes of the times, any cultural system with a long history and tradition It is impossible not to change. Chinese academia generally admits that Chinese society is in a profound period of transition and its culture is bound to undergo profound changes. In order to further think deeply about the cultural exchange between China and the West under the trend of globalization, this symposium in this issue introduces this essay in order to arouse further academic attention on this hot issue.