仙客来花色艳丽多姿,叶形叶纹图案清晰迷人,很受市场欢迎。但由于栽培较难,病害发生较多,困扰着规模生产的迅速扩大,常见的病害有:软腐病、细菌性叶腐病、灰霉病、萎凋病、炭疽病、叶斑病、细菌性芽腐病等。规模生产仙客来,应在以下各个环节十分注意。 (1)种子彻底消毒:可用等量式波尔多液浸洗种子(1:1:20),或者用50%多菌灵500倍液浸种1小时后用清水淋净药液浸种24小时。 (2)花盆消毒:新花盆一般不用消毒。旧花盆必须彻底消毒,可用链毒素1000倍浸泡。或者用高锰酸钾消毒。还可用50%800~1000倍百菌清浸泡。
Cyclamen colorful gorgeous, leaf-shaped leaf pattern clear and charming, very popular with the market. However, due to difficult cultivation and more diseases, it plagued the rapid expansion of large-scale production. The common diseases are: soft rot, bacterial leaf rot, gray mold, wilt, anthracnose, leaf spot, bacterial Bud rot and so on. Cyclamen on a large scale should pay great attention to the following aspects. (1) Seed thoroughly disinfected: Bordeaux seeds can be soaked in equal volume (1: 1: 20) or soaked with 50% Carbendazim 500 times for 1 hour and soaked in water for 24 hours. (2) flowerpot disinfection: new pots generally do not have to disinfect. Old flower pots must be thoroughly disinfected, available 1000 times streptoxin soaked. Or with potassium permanganate disinfection. Also available 50% 800 ~ 1000 times chlorothalil soaked.