Steve Wilson is, like myself, a presenter1 of humor programs. When I interviewed him, Wilson told me about an incident that happened to him related to humor and grief. “I had always gone out,” he said, “to talk to community groups about standard psychological subjects—like mar-riage, divorce, raising kids, stress, depression and things like that. One day,” Wilson continued, “I got a call from a woman at a cancer clinic who runs a group called Make Today Count. She heard that I give talks and asked that I come and ad-dress the group. I told her that I had a new talk on humor. She said, ‘That would be wonderful. I think the group would really like that.’” Wil-son was excited to do it. His mother had died of ovarian2 cancer when he was twenty years old so he thought it would be great if he could be of some help to these people.
There were about thirty-five people seated in a circle that night. To get the meeting started each person told the group their name, the kind of cancer they had and the stage of treatment they were in.
The first person said, “My name is Susan. I have a brain tumor3. They were able to do surgery, and now I’m getting radiation4.” Then Susan’s parents introduced themselves. After that, a young man, who was also there with his parents, announced that he had lymphoma5.
“I started to realize,” Wilson admits, “the gravity of the situation these people were in—and there was a room full of them.” As each person went around the room, Wilson started to feel inadequate and questioned whether it was right to discuss humor under such circum-stances. “Here were people with really catas-trophic illnesses in their lives. I worried that my program wasn’t appropriate.”Just as wil-son was feeling anixous, something unexpected took place and changed his mind.
Wilson heard a man who was introducing himself to the group said, “My name is Lester, and I’m pissed off6. I have cancer of the liver. My doctor told me I had six months to live. That was a year ago—and I gave away my winter coat.” When everyone in the group started to laugh, it was a vali-dation for Wilson that the group wanted to laugh and that a person in a serious situation could indeed poke fun at7 himself.
With the knowledge that humor was indeed appropriate, Wilson started his talk. He told jokes, played with props8 and ex-plained the value of humor. It was going well. The crowd was laughing loudly and really appreciating what Wilson was doing.
Then there was a knock on the door. A woman opened it and stuck her head in the room. She said, “Listen, I’m trying to run a support group in the room next door...” Wilson thought to himself, Okay, now I’m in trouble. But the woman continued, “and my group would like to come in and join your group.”
It wasn’t until after the program that Wilson found out that the second gathering was a support group for those who had re-cently lost a loved one.
Wilson gained a revelation from that experience. “People who came together to support each other in their grief,” says Wilson, “wanted to be where the laughter was.”
威尔逊听到团体里的一个名叫莱斯特的男人自我介绍道:“我的名字叫莱斯特,我快被气疯了。我得的是肝癌。医生告诉我,我只能活六个月了。那是一年以前发生的事—— 于是,我就把我的冬衣全部送人了。”当时在坐的每一个人都大笑起来,这使威尔逊认识到这个团体的成员需要笑声,同时也使他认识到一个处于严肃环境中的人甚至能够取笑自己。
丹兰 摘译自The Evening Times
There were about thirty-five people seated in a circle that night. To get the meeting started each person told the group their name, the kind of cancer they had and the stage of treatment they were in.
The first person said, “My name is Susan. I have a brain tumor3. They were able to do surgery, and now I’m getting radiation4.” Then Susan’s parents introduced themselves. After that, a young man, who was also there with his parents, announced that he had lymphoma5.
“I started to realize,” Wilson admits, “the gravity of the situation these people were in—and there was a room full of them.” As each person went around the room, Wilson started to feel inadequate and questioned whether it was right to discuss humor under such circum-stances. “Here were people with really catas-trophic illnesses in their lives. I worried that my program wasn’t appropriate.”Just as wil-son was feeling anixous, something unexpected took place and changed his mind.
Wilson heard a man who was introducing himself to the group said, “My name is Lester, and I’m pissed off6. I have cancer of the liver. My doctor told me I had six months to live. That was a year ago—and I gave away my winter coat.” When everyone in the group started to laugh, it was a vali-dation for Wilson that the group wanted to laugh and that a person in a serious situation could indeed poke fun at7 himself.
With the knowledge that humor was indeed appropriate, Wilson started his talk. He told jokes, played with props8 and ex-plained the value of humor. It was going well. The crowd was laughing loudly and really appreciating what Wilson was doing.
Then there was a knock on the door. A woman opened it and stuck her head in the room. She said, “Listen, I’m trying to run a support group in the room next door...” Wilson thought to himself, Okay, now I’m in trouble. But the woman continued, “and my group would like to come in and join your group.”
It wasn’t until after the program that Wilson found out that the second gathering was a support group for those who had re-cently lost a loved one.
Wilson gained a revelation from that experience. “People who came together to support each other in their grief,” says Wilson, “wanted to be where the laughter was.”
威尔逊听到团体里的一个名叫莱斯特的男人自我介绍道:“我的名字叫莱斯特,我快被气疯了。我得的是肝癌。医生告诉我,我只能活六个月了。那是一年以前发生的事—— 于是,我就把我的冬衣全部送人了。”当时在坐的每一个人都大笑起来,这使威尔逊认识到这个团体的成员需要笑声,同时也使他认识到一个处于严肃环境中的人甚至能够取笑自己。
丹兰 摘译自The Evening Times