1978年12月,中共十一届三中全会审查和纠正了对彭德怀所做的错误结论。这年12月24日,中共中央在人民大会堂为彭德怀举行了隆重的追悼大会,平反昭雪。追悼会后,彭德怀的骨灰盒安放在北京八宝山革命公墓。那么彭德怀的骨灰盒为何又要安迁到湖南湘潭故里乌石彭家围子呢? 彭德怀没有亲生儿女,只有侄儿侄女。因此,对于自己的后事,他曾对侄儿侄女有过一些交代:一是党的
In December 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CCP examined and corrected the erroneous conclusion made to Peng Dehuai. On December 24 this year, the CPC Central Committee held a grand memorial meeting for Peng Dehuai at the Great Hall of the People. After the memorial service, Peng Dehuai’s urns placed in Beijing Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery. Why did Peng Dehuai’s casket relocate to the hometown of Wushu in Hunan’s Xiangtan? Peng Dehuai has no biological children, only nephew’s niece. Therefore, for his own funeral, he had some explanation to nephew and niece: First, the party