在传统信号检测中,多路模拟信号一并经滑环组传送,因此不可避免地造成信号之间的相互干扰。如果信号采用模拟方式传输,使得整机信噪比不理想。考虑到大功率信号不能依靠无线传输,本文提出使用DTD 462A数传模块,专门用无线方式传输经过数字化处理后的微弱信号,这样既可以使微弱信号与大功率信号分离,以消除信号之间的相互干扰,又提高了系统的抗干扰性。通过对比,说明它是多路信号传送的方法之一。
In traditional signal detection, multiple analog signals are transmitted through the slip ring group, which inevitably causes mutual interference between signals. If the signal transmission using analog mode, making the signal to noise ratio is not satisfactory. Taking into account the high-power signals can not rely on wireless transmission, the paper proposed the use of DTD 462A digital transmission module, dedicated wireless transmission of digitally processed weak signal, so both weak signals and high-power signals can be separated to eliminate the signal between Mutual interference, but also improve the system’s anti-interference. By contrast, it is one of the methods of multi-channel signal transmission.