名牌是一种产品、一个企业的标识,也是一个民族、一个国家的标识.一个国家只有拥有一大批国际市场知名的名牌产品,才能显示自己的经济实力,自立于世界经济强国之林.一 上海是我国重要的工业基地.近几年在全国名优产品评奖活动中,共获金、银牌832块,占全国获奖总数的13.4%,名列各省市榜首.但是,在当今世界评出的最有影响的30个知名商标中,上海的名牌竟无一个上榜,这使上海强烈地感受到一种“距离感”.上海的名牌面临着种种问题和严峻挑战.
Brand name is a product, a company’s logo, but also a nation, a country’s logo. A country can only show its own economic strength, and owns a forest in the world’s economic power, with only a large number of well-known brand products in the international market. It is an important industrial base in China. In recent years, 832 gold and silver medals have been awarded in the national famous product awards evaluation event, accounting for 13.4% of the total number of national awards, ranking first in all provinces and cities. However, the world’s most highly rated Among the 30 well-known trademarks that have been affected, none of Shanghai’s famous brands has been on the list. This has made Shanghai feel a sense of “distance”. Shanghai’s brand names face various problems and severe challenges.