Chiang Mai:多彩小城故事多

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  “小城故事多,充满喜和乐,若是你到小城来,收获特别多……”在甜美的歌声中,我们来到了泰国清迈这座清幽小城。Follow me, my friends! Let’s enjoy the color of it!
  清迈有许多大大小小的佛寺,我和弟弟一边走一边数啊数……This is the biggest one. 它的名字叫契迪龙寺,建于1411年。进里面看一看吧,要记得先脱掉鞋子哦!
  吃着最爱的榴莲雪糕,我们欣赏着这里的一草一木。I had a wonderful time here.
  Look, so many Elephant sculptures around this building. 泰国有“大象之邦”的盛誉。腿粗如柱,身似城墙的庞然大象,在泰国人民的心目中是吉祥的象征。我们当然要去和大象来一场亲密接触啦!哎呀,调皮的小象还喷了我一鼻子水呢!
  一天下午,我们还钻进一个Museum(博物館)里逛了起来。这里有很多好玩的东西,我买了一辆Tu-tu车模,弟弟买了一辆木头小车,拉着就跑。Is he funny?
  At nights, we went out to the night bazaar.它就在著名的塔佩门附近。集市上熙熙攘攘,热闹非凡。在这里,琳琅满目的商品应有尽有。
  I have so much fun in Chiang Mai, I love it! 可惜的是,我们没能赶上泼水节(Songkran)。听妈妈说,每年4月13~15日是泰国的泼水节,一个盛大的狂欢节!全世界的人都来到清迈,在大街小巷打水仗,我真向往啊!以后,我还要再来清迈!
寒假到了,在尽情玩耍的同时,小朋友们不要忘了锻炼身体哟!对了,我们的游戏挑战也在等待着小朋友们呢,赶快行动吧!  Ⅰ. Listen and choose. 听录音,选择与录音内容相符的图片。  Ⅱ. Look and draw. 将下列字母按字母表顺序进行连线。完成后看一看,这是一只什么动物呢?  It’s a______________________.  Ⅲ. Look and write.
My mother is an English teacher.  She is thirty-seven years old.  She is very nice.  She has long hair and two big eyes.  She is good at cooking.  Mother’s Day is coming.  Dear Mummy, I love you!
My mother is a tall and slim woman.  She’s 36 years old, but she looks very young.  She has big bright eyes and a cute small mouth.  She works at a police station.  She looks really cool in uniform.  
“M” is for the million things she gave me,  “O” means only she’s growing old,  “T” is for the tears she shed to save me,  “H” is for her heart of purest gold,  “E” is for her eyes, with the love-light
為了提早叫农民起床干活,狡猾的地主周扒皮半夜起来学公鸡叫。不过,不久,机灵的玉宝就起了疑心……周扒皮的奸计还会得逞吗?请继续欣赏来自江苏省泰州市襟江小学的同学们的精彩表演!  ZhouBapi: In order to make them work more every day, it is me who imitate the sound of the cock to wake the farm
I am Kubo. I have only one eye. I live with my mother. My grandfather is the Moon King. He stole one of my eye.  我是久保,我只有一只眼睛,和母親生活在一起。我的外公是月亮王,他偷了我的一只眼睛。
Hi, I am Kitty. I have a twin sister.  We like eating fish soup noodles best.  It is the most famous food in our city.  Our father always goes fishing for us.  Our mother can cook yummy fish soup.  We
Hi, I’m Jenny.  I like eating fish very much.  Fish is very fresh and yummy.  It is also good for us.  It can make me smart. I like fish.
汽车世界,一年一度的“活塞杯大赛”(Piston Cup Racing)再次拉开序幕,麦昆McQueen是冠军最有力的竞争者。信心满满的他早早启程,不料却在参赛途中意外迷路,闯入了与世隔绝的油车水镇(Radiator Springs)。因躲避警长(Sheriff)的追捕,McQueen毁坏了小镇的马路,他被迫留下修路。短短几天,McQueen和小镇的居民渐渐融洽,只不过,路终有修完的时候,未完的比