老年性白内障的病因至今不明。Hoyt 谓老年性白内障患者的晶体及房水中维生素C 含量较正常人低得多。由于我省地处世界屋脊的青藏高原上,是白内障发病区,青海省昂欠县地区成熟期老年性白内障的患病率高达0.78%。我们从1979年6月开始,对多种白内障患者及非白内障患者前房水中维生素C 的含量进行测定,到1982年5月,共分析房水标本133例,现将分析结果初步报道如下:材料和方法一、房水的抽取。每次行内眼手术过程
The etiology of senile cataract remains unknown. Hoyt said that the content of vitamin C in crystal and aqueous humor of cataract patients is much lower than that of normal people. Since the province is located on the roof of the world’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, it is a cataract incidence area. The prevalence of mature age-related cataract in Anguixian area of Qinghai Province is as high as 0.78%. We began in June 1979, a variety of cataract patients and non-cataracts in patients with aqueous humor vitamin C content was measured by May 1982, a total of 133 cases of aqueous humor analysis, the results of the preliminary report is as follows: Materials And method one, aqueous extraction. Eye surgery in each line