我们被这个优雅的方案打动了。We are delighted with the elegance of the design.桥本洋一,南山城村,镇长Yoichi Hashimoto, Mayor, Minamiyamashiro Village尽管最初的设计始于1995-1996年,但是直到2001-2003年这个建筑才动工建设,是建筑面积6 200平方米的低预算建筑。场地位于靠近京都的南山城村,并处在村中主要街道上。学校坐落在一个山坡上,可以俯瞰乡村的全景。Though originally designed in 1995-1996,this low-budget 6,200 sq.m building was not constructed until 2001-2003.The site is in Minami
We are impressed by this elegant program. Hashimoto, Mayor, Minamiyamashiro Village Although the original design started in 1995-1996, it was not until 2001-2003 that the construction was started , Is a low-budget building with a building area of 6,200 square meters. The venue is located in Namsan-jo Village near Kyoto and is located on the main street in the village. The school is set on a hillside overlooking the countryside. Although originally designed in 1995-1996, this low-budget 6,200 sq.m building was not constructed until 2001-2003. The site is in Minami