Tsinghua Science Park:Incubator for China’s Independent High-tech Giants

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  Situated at the east gate of the world-renowned Tsinghua University, Tsinghua Science Park is enjoying an increase ininternational attention. As a home to many of China's most promising companies, the park's reputation has even begunto rival that of the university's. It consists of three major parts: Carve-Out Park, Carve-Out Park for returned exchangestudents, and Major Park.
Zhongguancun Science Park iswell-known in China for it haswon the reputation of "China'sSilicon Valley". It was started in the earlytime of 1980's, one of the earliest devel-opment area in Beijing, or
吉豪照明成立于1999年,是一家专业家居照明产品制造商。2002年,公司成功开创融东方恬静禅文化与西方简约风格于一体的韩国风系列,实现了东西文化的融汇贯通,历经七年发展, 目前已形成包括韩国风在内的吸顶灯、厨卫灯、餐吊灯、壁灯、镜前灯等家居照明全系列。过硬的产品质量,优质的品牌服务,吉豪照明,正朝着名牌里程飞跃。
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Indonesia is one of the important partners of China in theASEAN countries. During the passing years, the bilateral re-lations have witnessed great progress. In 2005, the two coun-tries jointly promulg