根据黑果腺肋花楸的生态学特性和组培瓶苗生理结构特点,利用辽西夏季6-7月的气候特点,进行组培瓶苗的日光锻炼,移栽驯化。经过4个月精心养护管理,可培育出地径在0.5cm,苗高在25cm以上的壮苗11 300株,成活率81%。该技术是黑果腺肋花楸组培瓶苗炼苗,移栽的新途径,为黑果腺肋花楸组培工厂化育苗提供技术参考。
According to the ecological characteristics of Prunus armeniaca and physiological characteristics of the tissue culture bottle, the sunlight of the tissue culture seedlings was cultivated by using the climate characteristics of summer from June to July in western Liaoning and transplanted and domestication. After 4 months of intensive conservation and management, 11 300 strong seedlings with a diameter of 0.5 cm and a height of more than 25 cm can be cultivated with a survival rate of 81%. The technology is a new way to cultivate seedling and transplanting of Aristolochia rugosha. It provides a technical reference for tissue culture breeding of tissue culture plant of Aronia.