淡竹叶为禾本科植物淡竹的茎叶,又叫长竹叶、淡竹米,浙江一带称竹叶麦冬,均为野生。最宜在5~7月份采收,鲜品可入药,也可晒干收藏备用。 本品味甘性寒,归心、肺、小肠经,具清心除烦、生津解渴之功效。炎炎夏日喝上一碗鲜竹叶茶,顿觉神清气爽,丝丝清香沁人心肺,实为解暑降温之佳品。 淡竹叶内含芦竹素、白茅素、无羁萜、β-谷甾醇、豆甾醇、蒲公英甾醇,此外有酚性成分、氨基酸、有机酸及糖类。它的利尿作用虽不及猪苓、木通强,但尿中氯化物排
The light bamboo leaves are the stems and leaves of the dicotyledonous plant, also known as the long bamboo leaves and the light bamboo rice. The Zhejiang area is said to be the bamboo leaves of Ophiopogon japonicus, all of which are wild. Most suitable for harvesting in May-July, fresh products can be used as medicine, but also dried in the collection for use. This product is sweet, cold, heart, lung, small intestine, with pure heart Chufan, Sheng Jin quench thirst effect. In a hot summer day, you can enjoy a bowl of fresh bamboo leaf tea, and feel refreshed. The delicate fragrance of heart and lungs is the best product for cooling off the summer heat. Light bamboo contains reed, bamboo, nopal, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, dandelion alcohol, in addition to phenolic components, amino acids, organic acids and sugars. Although its diuretic effect is not as strong as swine fever and wood pass, urinary chloride