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在市场经济条件下,如何使我们党在思想上政治上组织上完全能够经受住各种考验,中心环节是切实加强党的思想建设,加强和改进对党员的教育管理工作。笔者认为,对广大党员通过掌握一个理论(建设有中国特色的社会主义理论)、突出二个内容(党性教育和党的宗旨教育)、运用三种方法(目标管理、民主评议和党组活动横向交流)、提出四项要求(信仰不能忘、改造不能松、宗旨不能丢、标准不能降)、发扬五种精神(解放思想,改革创新;尊重科学,真抓实干;顾全大局,团结奋斗;谦虚谨慎,崇尚先进;艰若奋斗,无私奉献的精神)的教育管理,是全面提高党员思想政治素质的有效手段和途径。 掌握基本理论 邓小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的精神实质就是支持把马克思主义基本原理与当代中国实际和时代特征相结合,解放思想,实事求是,走中国自己 Under the conditions of a market economy, how to make our party ideally and politically able to withstand all kinds of tests completely at its center? The central link is to earnestly strengthen the party’s ideological construction and to strengthen and improve education and management of party members. The author believes that the majority of party members use three methods (goal management, democratic appraisal and horizontal exchange of party activities) through mastering one theory (building socialism theory with Chinese characteristics), highlighting two contents (education of party sex education and education of the party’s purpose) ), Put forward four requirements (faith can not forget, reform can not be loose, the purpose can not be lost, the standard can not be dropped), carry forward the five spirits (emancipate the mind, reform and innovation; respect for science, work hard; take care of the overall situation and work hard together; modest and cautious , Advocating advanced; struggling hard, selfless dedication) education and management, is to improve the ideological and political quality of party members and effective means and ways. Grasp the Basic Theory Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s spirit of building a socialist theory with Chinese characteristics is to support the integration of the basic tenets of Marxism with the characteristics of contemporary China’s realities and the times, emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, and walk China itself
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