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  近日,励展博览集团2019年财报公布。公司全年运营收入增加6%。2019年,公司一共推出了50个新展,收购了Mack Brooks展览公司,并抛售了一些小型项目。该年度,欧洲、美国的展览市场良好,中国展览市场也比较强劲。公司称目前各地新冠病毒对业务的影响尚不明确。
  Reed Exhibitions with plus for 2019
  RELX, parent company of Reed Exhibitions, has reported its annual results for 2019. Exhibitions achieved an underlying revenue growth in 2019 of +6%. During the year, 50 new events have been launched and further data analytics initiatives have been rolled out. In addition, during 2019 Mack Brooks was acquired and a number of minor disposals was made. In 2019, market conditions were good in Europe and the US, and remained strong in China. TThe company stated that the extent to which the novel coronavirus outbreak will impact the business in China, or other regions, remains uncertain at this point. Chief Executive Officer, Erik Engstrom, commented:“We achieved good underlying revenue growth, with underlying adjusted operating profit growth slightly ahead of underlying revenue growth, and adjusted earnings per share growth at constant currencies ahead of underlying profit growth.”
  MECC Maastricht offers venue for free
  MECC Maastricht offers a solution for organisers of international trade fairs who are forced to cancel or postpone their event due to the ongoing spread of the coronavirus. In addition to many organisational challenges, organisers are often faced with sky-high costs due to double rental charges when postponing their trade fair. Organisers who are forced to cancel or postpone their international trade fair due to the coronavirus have the opportunity to rent the MECC Maastricht event halls free of charge this year.
  3月底,由德国汽车工业协会(VDA)主办的德国国际车展(IAA)宣布乔迁新址:2021年,慕尼黑将接替法兰克福,成为德国国际车展(IAA)的主办城市。此前70多年里,展会一直在法兰克福盛大举办。VDA主席Hildegard Müller表示, “此前,柏林、汉堡和慕尼黑被列入继任主办城市候选名单。入围的三个城市都提出了雄心勃勃且令人信服的计划,以进一步推动展会的发展。这是一场势均力敌的竞标,我对此表示衷心的感谢。”为吸引展会落户,慕尼黑所在的巴伐利亚州政府承诺将投入1500万欧元。
  IAA brings mobility to Munich
  Munich is set to host the completely redesigned IAA, having beaten Berlin and Hamburg for the privilege. The first IAA to be staged in the Bavarian capital will take place from September 7 to 12, 2021, one week ahead of the Oktoberfest. According to VDA president Hildegard Müller: "It was a very close race, and for this I sincerely wish to thank those involved."
  As well as showcasing the fascination of the car, it is expected to be the trigger for the host city to develop into a ’smart city’ with intelligent traffic concepts and innovative connectivity linking the various modes of transport – in a manner that is both sustainable and geared to people’s needs. To persuade the VDA to move the IAA to Munich, the Bavarian Government committed to spending 15 million euros. vda.de/MunichToHostIAA2021
巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和国(The Islamic Republic of Pakistan),简称巴基斯坦,是首个与中华人民共和国建立外交关系的伊斯兰国家。巴基斯坦全国人口2亿,是经济快速增长的发展中国家,也是世界贸易组织、不结盟运动、上海合作组织和英联邦成员国。作为中国的坚定朋友,巴基斯坦与中国“是长期、全天候和多方面发展的友好关系”。  在我国疫情爆发初期的紧要关头,巴基斯坦举全国之力对我国进行援
编者按:11月19日,中国-中东及北非(摩洛哥)国际贸易数字展览会在北京隆重开幕。中国国际贸易促进委员会副会长柯良栋发表讲话,就海外自办展的重要意义以及双边经贸态势进行了剖析。本刊节选部分讲话内容,以飨读者。  中国-中东及北非(摩洛哥)国际贸易数字展览会是在新冠肺炎疫情下深化中国和中东北非地区经贸合作的务实举措,展览会紧扣中东和北非地区市场需求,为参展企业打造在线交流洽谈平台,提供精准配对服务,
The National Palace of Culture - Congress Centre Sofia (NDK) is the largest multifunctional complex in Southeastern Europe.  The initiative to construct a large-scale cultural center in Bulgaria’s cap
From October 29th to November 1st, the "10th China (Macau) International Auto Expo" and "The 9th Macau Business Aviation Exhibition" "The 10th China (Macao) International Yacht Import and Export Expo"
作为全球地面铺装行业的盛会,汉诺威国际地面铺装展览会(DOMOTEX)日前宣布,明年展会将延期至5月18-20日在德国汉诺威举办。目前,三分之二的展览空间(约62000平方米)已被预约。  1989年,DOMOTEX第一次在德国汉诺威开展,经过30年的不断发展和革新,如今已经成为反映未来趋势的晴雨表、来自世界各地高层决策者的集会中心、反馈观众与展商最新需求的信息平台。在30年成功历程中,DOMOT
11月19日, 由中国贸促会主办、中国国际商会承办的中国—中东及北非(摩洛哥)国际贸易数字展览会在北京开幕。此次展览会是新冠肺炎疫情下深化中国和中东及北非地区经贸合作的务实举措。展览会为期10天,旨在充分运用互联网、云技术创新展会服务模式和外贸洽谈方式,支持我国外贸企业稳住订单、开拓市场,促进中国与中东及北非国家之间的经贸交流。  中国贸促会副会长柯良栋、中国驻摩洛哥王国大使馆临时代办茅俊、摩洛哥
Even in this current time when most physical events are in a stagnation, exhibition companies still need to gear up in terms of customer communication, facilities, talent cultivation and more, so that
There is a trend towards B2B trade fairs in Japan, but it is only gradual. Despite the continuing absence of much of a trade fair culture, there are things exhibitors can do to win business from Japan
10月29日-11月1日,南光集团联合国机集团、中国航材、澳门会议展览业协会主办的濠江盛汇“第十届中国(澳门)国际汽车博览会”“第九届澳门公务航空展”“第十届中国(澳门)国际游艇进出口博览会”在澳门威尼斯人金光会展中心、澳门国际机场、澳门渔人码头成功举办,为疫后澳门和地区经济社会加快复苏发展注入了强大活力。  此次澳门车展区达6.5万平方米,设有中国自主品牌展区、造车新势力展区、豪华车展区等,共吸
波恩 ,德国前首都, 这座莱茵河畔的城市和昔日的“联邦村庄”,如今是蜚声国际的经济和文化大都会,自信、充满活力又相当泰然自若。 在政治舞台上,波恩也一如既往地扮演着重要角色:作为德意志共和国的“第二个家”,它也是联合国 16 个办公机构以及众多国际组织的所在地。  波恩世界会议中心位于老政府区中心,毗邻莱茵河畔,周边是联合国校园、德国中外运敦豪公司、“德国之声”国际广播公司等知名机构。会议中心有一