一、概况由国家计划委员会投资建设的材料疲劳断裂与失效分析(简称“材料疲劳”)国家实验室设在中国科学院金属研究所,实验室主任由该所研究员王中光担任.该实验室于1988年3月通过论证,1989年4月经中国科学院批准,该实验室施行边建设边开放,现已基本建成,迎接国家的验收. 材料疲劳断裂及失效分析是应用背景十分广泛、综合性很强的边缘学科,是材料科学的重要前沿.现有实验室是在著名金属物理学家、学部委员葛庭燧研究员,著名金属学家、学部委员师昌绪研究员及刘民治教授领导的疲劳物理原理、疲劳强度及失效分析研究队伍的基础上
I. Overview The State Key Laboratory of Fatigue Fracture and Failure Analysis (“Material Fatigue”), invested by the State Planning Commission, is located at the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the director of the laboratory is headed by Wang Zhongguang, a researcher at the institute. The demonstration was passed in March of 1989 and approved by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in April 1989. The laboratory was opened to the public while it was under construction and has been basically completed to meet the acceptance of the country. Fatigue fracture and failure analysis of materials are widely applied and comprehensive edges Discipline is an important frontier of material science.Existing laboratories are based on the principles of fatigue physics, fatigue strength, and fatigue caused by Professor Ge Tingsui, a famous metallographer, academician Chang Xu and Professor Liu Minzhi, Failure analysis based on the research team